A Swift app that predicts a series of exercises in a real-time manner.
A contributed Tool for the PDE that provides a quick introduction for new/beginner users (Java Swing).
A reference Tool that can be utilized inside the PDE, eliminating the need to open up a browser for references (Java Swing).
Created topic models with tf-idf for 142 unlabeled news articles using the Stanford CoreNLP library. With the resulting data, implemented clustering and classification algorithms (K-means and KNN) from scratch.
Worked on an Agile team to create sprint plans and executed them to build a RESTful Recommendations microservice with Python/Flask and Swagger following TDD/BDD practices. We utilized Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) to deploy our service to the IBM Cloud using Cloud Foundry and Docker.
Used public crime data (provided by the NYPD) to model and forecast crime rates in Manhattan using ARIMA time series modeling.
Created a Twitter Bot that generates Tweets in Pig Latin.